Bourbon Across America Road Trip #1

I’m super stoked to announce Bourbon & Banter’s first Bourbon Across America Road Trip. We’re heading up to The Century Bar in Dayton, OH for our first trip. I’ve posted about The Century Bar in the past and have spent time with some of their folks on last year’s Bourbon & Banter Pilgrimage. They know their bourbon and from what I hear, they’re doing an amazing job of spreading the bourbon gospel throughout the Dayton area. So now it’s time to hit the road and experience their evangelism first hand.

I’ll be heading up on Friday, March 8th and will kick things off with some bourbon & banter that evening at the bar. Saturday will find us shooting some interviews and photos for an in-depth Bourbon Across America story, participating in an afternoon blind bourbon tasting and spending the evening with more bourbon and banter with the bourbon loving crowd that fills up the bar every night.  If you happen to be a patron of The Century Bar, or live in the area, I hope to see you during my visit.

I’ll also be tweeting during my visit so make sure you’re following us @BourbonBanter.  Cheers!