Call For July 4th Bourbon Cocktails

Today is the last day of the work week for me as I was lucky enough to get a few days off during they July 4h holiday. I’m working on some major projects for the blog, and I hope that a few days off will allow me to focus on them more than usual. I suppose there’s the chance that I’ll lose focus once the bourbon starts to flow this evening, but I guess that’s not a bad thing, either.

Before things go off the rails, I’d like to know what bourbon concoctions you have planned for your July 4th holiday. I realize that many of you only drink your bourbon straight, but for those who enjoy mixing things up, what drink is on your menu for tomorrow?

Please post your July 4th bourbon cocktail recipe in the comments section, and I’ll pick one out from the group to make for myself and my bourbon-fearing wife and then write a review of the recipe and let you know if it made a dent in her bourbon wall of resistance.

And for those going it straight tomorrow, let me know if you’re opening up something special to celebrate American Independence.
