Craft Jerky Company – Jerky of the Month Club Review

Just in time, I’m here to save your Father’s Day gift for you. It’s a subscription box. But wait, before you roll your eyes and delete this, it’s a good one. Unless you’re a vegetarian or vegan terrorist. If that’s the case you can go ahead and delete because your opinion really doesn’t matter anyway.

I know that there’s a lot of subscription boxes and services out there. Some are really bad, some are fair, and some are really worth it if you like the product or theme. The main problem with subscription boxes or “product of the month” clubs is that they can get repetitive. I’ve tried more than a few. Bourbon, cigars, beers, BBQ products, underwear (it was actually a good service), and coffee to name a few. Some I still even currently use.

In my first box, I got six bags. Every bag was between 2 and 2.75 ounces. The flavors are all over the map. There were more traditional flavors like a grass-fed classic, a honey pepper, and a sriracha style bbq flavor. But there were also bags of black truffle, bourbon & vanilla bean, and an orange teriyaki. The cool thing about this subscription box is that you get to try stuff that you most likely never even knew existed because some of these products are hyper regional. Sometimes the best stuff you find is something that you just stumble upon. Will every bag be your new favorite? Probably not but you will for sure get some that you just have to figure out how to get more of. Besides, who wants to eat the same flavor over and over again? Part of the fun of this monthly treat is trying new things that you would never be able to get locally.

If you buy beef jerky on the regular, even the mass produced stuff will cost you around $8 each. Every subscription box ships free which is a big bonus. The larger the plan, the cheaper it ends up costing you per bag but it is all within a couple of dollars if you average it out. Fortunately for you they also offer gift subscriptions in the form of month to month with recurring billing as well as 3, 6, and 12 month pre-paid subscriptions.

Use the code BOURBON to get 25% off your entire subscription. And if you take too long and that expires, you can sign up for their email newsletter and get a 10% off coupon code.