Find Us AT Whiskey In The Winter

If you’ll be at Whiskey in the Winter this weekend we’d love to meet you and enjoy a drink together. But we know some of you can be a bit shy – despite the presence of 300+ whiskeys.

To help you break out of your shell we’ve pulled together a simple contest. Simply be the first person to come up to one of the four folks in the image below and you’ll be given a special Bourbon & Banter card. Each card entitles you to a special gift from Bourbon & Banter that you can redeem after the event.

As a bonus, the first person to get one of the four cards and then take it to Pops will get an extra special prize “right on the spot”. Pretty easy, right?

Ok, that’s it for today as we’ve got to start prepping our livers for dinner with the team tonight and tomorrow’s event. We hope to see you at Whiskey in the Winter tomorrow. Cheers!