Happy Anniversary Bourbon & Banter

A year ago today I published the first post on BourbonBanter.com entitled. “Welcome Fellow Bourbon Lovers“. My goal was to simply build upon the success of the Bourbon & Banter Facebook page and meet some new friends who also happened to be bourbon lovers. I had no idea how things were going to turn out, or if I would still be blogging a year later. As I sit here typing this anniversary post, I can honestly say that the blog and my new community of friends has far exceeded my expectations. It’s been an amazing 12 months full of hard work, technical learning, new friends and many, many glasses of bourbon.

Here are a few of my favorite milestones from the past year:

Whew! I think I need another drink.

I want to thank all of our loyal readers, the bourbon faithful and those of you that I’ve had the honor of meeting in person. Your daily support and banter make all of my hard work worthwhile. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your daily routine.

I also want to thank my incredibly supportive wife, The Redhead, for her support of my crazy bourbon dream. Although she still doesn’t like to drink bourbon, I think we’re making progress.

And of course, her bourbon-inspired recipes are always a welcome sight when I come home from work.

Bourbon & Banter has a lot planned for our second year, and we look forward to continuing our mission to spread the bourbon gospel with each and every one of you.



PS – Perhaps one of the most defining moments of what I’ve accomplished happened just 2 nights ago. My 7-year old son was playing with a few of his Lego people when he looked up and said, “Day, I’ve created new Lego superheroes. Bourbon Man and his sidekick, ChitChat.”

And with that and a few laughs, I knew that Bourbon & Banter had arrived.