Scotch versus Bourbon Infographic

Bourbon and Scotch lovers are united by the fact that both are types of whiskey. However, that’s also where things tend to end for many people who claim an allegiance to one over the other. Obviously we’re partial to bourbon but don’t feel that it’s our place to say that bourbon is better than scotch. So we decided to do the most democratic thing we could think of to settle which one reigns supreme.

We built an infographic!

Not just any infographic mind you. An infographic that shows whether #bourbon or #scotch was the most talked about on Twitter for the last 30 days. Since Twitter has millions of users I think we found a great way to help settle the debate – at least for the current month.

I’ll stop the banter as I think the results speak for themselves.

#Bourbon vs #Scotch for Twitter Supremacy - March 2012