Stir It Up! Bourbon Cocktail Recipes


Today’s guest blog post is courtesy of Andrea Holak from St. Louis, MO. Andrea’s treating us to two different bourbon cocktail recipes. I think they both sound fantastic but I’m a sucker for ice cream so I think I’ll have to try her second recipe first. Let us know what you think of her recipes and if we should invite her back on a regular basis. Have a great weekend everyone!

Like it or not, Summer is here!  If you’re anything like me, you like to keep things simple and keep a cool beverage in your hand (and that beverage MUST be bourbon!).   Neat, or on the rocks, even bourbon tends be a bit heavy when the days get too hot, so I’ve whipped up a couple of quick and easy cocktails that should keep your thermometer from kicking into overdrive!

The Blackberry Mint Julep adds a delicious twist to an old favorite!  It is truly THE perfect companion for a lazy day on the patio, and you wouldn’t believe just how easy it is to make!   I found the mint in my backyard and the berries at the local farmer’s market.   It is a fabulous summertime cocktail and captures the very best of summertime!

Blackberry Mint Julep

Crushed ice cubes
1/4 cup blackberries
2 Tbsp. mint leaves
1 Tbsp. simple syrup
1 1/2 ounces Woodford Reserve

Fill a small glass halfway with crushed ice. In a shaker, combine the 1/4 cup of blackberries, mint leaves, sugar, bourbon and 1/3 cup of ice cubes and shake well.  Strain the drink into the glass, pressing on the solids to get out that great fruity taste.  Impress your friends by garnishing with a blackberry and mint sprig.

And you can’t survive summertime with ice cream.  So naturally, you would want to find a way to add bourbon to it, right?  Of course!  Luckily, I have just the drink for you!

Bourbon Bombshell Milkshake

2 cups vanilla ice cream
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 Tbsp. malted milk powder
3 Tbsp. Knob Creek bourbon
1/2 cup milk

Combine all ingredients, Blend until smooth, Enjoy!

Yes, it truly is that simple.   And the great thing about this is that it truly is so simple and customizable.  Stir in some chocolate syrup, add some fruit, whatever fits your taste.  Experiment with some of the flavored bourbons…you have a whole summer and the possibilities truly are endless!   The bourbon in the star in this recipe, so whatever you do, you are sure to end up with a tasty treat!

I hope you have fun with these recipes and find something you like!   A deliciously refreshing summer awaits!