Up the Ante of Your Next Card Party

Card parties are still a thing and are as popular as ever. Whether you’re hosting one to visit with friends, eat great food and enjoy great drinks in the comfort of your own home, themed card parties are all the rage right now, so power up your typical night of playing cards with a little bourbon or wine tasting. And since there are so many ways you can make this fun for both men and women, you could start by trying out some of these easy ideas to make your night one to remember.

Bourbon – Having bourbon samplings for men or those with a taste for it is a great way to get more people to attend your parties as well as stay longer. However, a fun way to get those who don’t usually drink bourbon to try it is to make signature cocktails. Give one of our signature cocktails a try and take your party to the next level.

Wine – Not all your guests will be hard liquor drinkers, so it would be good to have more options available to choose from such as a nice red or white wine. Another option that is super fun is having sangria available. It not only looks beautiful, but it tastes amazing, too.

Non-Alcoholic Options – There are always people who don’t drink or are the designated drivers for your drinking guests. That’s why it is super important to have things like bottled water, colas and lemonade for those guests. Also, don’t punish those guests for not drinking. Make their cups, drinks and food pairings fun as well; keeping with your theme.

Food – No party is complete unless you have food for your guests to munch on during and in-between playing cards. Looks for unique pairings for the bourbon that will leave your guests asking for the recipes. Also, look for simple foods to pair with your wine or sangria selections. It’s also good to have a healthy mix of food options to meet the needs of each of your guests.

Theme – Don’t forget about the theme. No, it’s not enough to just have some food and drinks. Oh, you thought that was the theme? No, it most certainly is not. You don’t need to handwrite invitations or anything, you can digitally send invites, but be sure to decide on your theme first. It can be as simple as an underground or secret bar like in the flapper era: a speakeasy. It would be super fun and easy to pull off and fits with your bourbon sampling. Other options could be “Casino Royale,” Vegas or an overall casino theme. But remember, even though you are playing cards, it doesn’t mean the party needs to be about cards. You could use a Hawaiian or old Hollywood theme. Have fun with it and get creative.

No matter what drinks, food or theme you pick, be sure to plan ahead and let your guests know what to expect. There is nothing worse than showing up to a party as the only one not dressed in the theme or the wrong theme for that matter. Enjoy!