Bourbon & Banter Podcast
Are you seeking a bourbon podcast that will educate and entertain you without the extra bloat associated with kissing a brand's ass in search of advertising revenue or free samples? If so, welcome home, my friend. We're not only the most honest bourbon podcast you'll find in the market today, but we're also the best looking if you dig big bald guys with beards. And let's be honest, who doesn't?
In all seriousness, though, give us a listen, and you'll find that we're honest to a fault. You won't find us pulling any punches when it comes to new bourbon reviews or when we explore the latest industry news and consumer trends. We've got an entire segment we call "Bourbon Bullshit," where we call out the trends and behavior that gives true bourbon believers the vodka shakes. We also have the Craft Shoot, where we do live double-blind tastings of craft whiskeys to give you immediate and honest feedback before we even know what we're tasting. Sure, a few independent distillers may decide that we're not being nice to them, but at the end of the day, we don't exist to promote their products. We exist to educate and entertain the bourbon-drinking masses.
If all this sounds like your type of podcast, we invite you to pull up a chair, pour yourself a glass of bourbon, and give us a listen.