Bourbon Evangelist To Unite on September 30th
As Bourbon Heritage Month draws to a close we’re asking that each and every member of bourbon nation take a moment and help us to spread the bourbon gospel via Twitter. We want to show the world that bourbon is here to stay and that people are fully committed to being bourbon evangelists.

As Bourbon Heritage Month draws to a close we’re asking that each and every member of bourbon nation take a moment and help us to spread the bourbon gospel via Twitter.
We want to show the world that bourbon is here to stay and that people are fully committed to being bourbon evangelists. We sincerely hope that you’ll take a few minutes and help us out as we embark on a single day mission to cover the Twitterverse with the bourbon gospel. Here’s what we need you to do.
On September 30th – not sooner – login to your Twitter account and tweet about bourbon along with the hashtag #bourbonevangelist. You can tell us why you love bourbon, why you’re a bourbon evangelist or even when you first tried bourbon. Just make sure that you add the hashtag #bourbonevangelist. We’ve provided a few examples of potential tweets below but feel free to say whatever you want.
I drink bourbon because god loves me. #bourbonevangelist
I’m spreading the bourbon gospel to make those around me more enjoyable. #bourbonevangelist
Friends don’t let friends drink booze without a soul. (Looking at you vodka.) #bourbonevangelist
If enough people tweet using #bourbonevangelist we’ll definitely get everyone’s attention and maybe, just maybe, we’ll get a trend going on Twitter for the day. And to help us with our cause we’ll enlisting the help of your favorite bourbon brands. They’ll be helping call people to action on September 30th.
And if your love for bourbon isn’t enough motivation, we’ll also be picking a few random tweeters that use #bourbonevangelist on September 30th to win our exclusive Bourbon Evangelist T-Shirt. Plus, if we can get 50,000 tweets using #bourbonevangelist we’ll give away another Bourbon Swag Pak to one lucky bourbon evangelist.
Start letting your friends and family know about our request for September 30th. The more people we have ready to spread the word the more likely we are to spark a trend and hand out some bourbon swag.