Bourbon iPhone Skins Prototype
My wife calls me a schemer. Others call me an entrepreneur. I prefer to call myself a passionate visionary. 😉 Regardless of what I’m called, I’m on a mission to spread the bourbon gospel and build Bourbon & Banter into a recognizable brand among bourbon drinkers.

My wife calls me a schemer. Others call me an entrepreneur. I prefer to call myself a passionate visionary. 😉
Regardless of what I’m called, I’m on a mission to spread the bourbon gospel and build Bourbon & Banter into a recognizable brand among bourbon drinkers. One of the ways I hope to do that is by offering up unique bourbon-themed products that people actually want to use in their daily lives. Whether it’s a clever bourbon t-shirt, photo prints or posters I hope to help bring bourbon into everyone’s life in some way. Towards that end I recently created a custom bourbon themed protective skin for my iPhone. Folks that have seen it in person really like it so I thought I’d explore the idea of offering them up for sale via
Below is the design that I’m currently using on my personal iPhone. Both photos were taken at the Willett Distillery in 2012. I have other potential designs that I could offer up as well. I’m thinking that these would probably be sold for about $20.

If you think this is the type of thing you’d be interested in purchasing please let me know in the comments. I really want to get people’s feedback before committing to production of any new bourbon themed item. If there’s something else you’d prefer I look into creating please let me know that as well.  Thanks in advance for your feedback.