Celebrate National Coffee Day with Bourbon
It’s Sunday morning. It’s National Coffee Day. And it’s always a great day for Bourbon. In 2009, I went on my first tour of the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky. It provided all of the familiar smells of mash and oak, and the tour was fascinating as always.

It’s Sunday morning. It’s National Coffee Day. And it’s always a great day for Bourbon.
In 2009, I went on my first tour of the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky. It provided all of the familiar smells of mash and oak, and the tour was fascinating as always. The end of a distillery tour is a favorite of mine, as it usually features a tasting. At Buffalo Trace, we were offered the namesake Bourbon, a sampling of white dog, and something I had never seen before: Bourbon Cream. A longtime fan of Irish Cream (in coffee, especially), I was pleasantly surprised that this standard had been Kentucky-ized, Bourbon-ized.
Bourbon Cream features the familiar indulgent creaminess of a cream liquor, but also lends those uniquely Bourbon caramel, vanilla, and slight oaky flavors of Bourbon. At the time, this product was sold exclusively in the Buffalo Trace gift shop. I left with a case. Thankfully, Buffalo Trace has since expanded distribution (email info@buffalotrace.com or call 866-729-3722 for complete availability information). But I suggest picking up a bottle (or a case) next time you can make to the Buffalo Trace Distillery.
Bourbon Cream is fantastic on the rocks, and especially over ice cream. But my preferred method of consumption will always be as the extra special, slightly boozy, cream in my coffee. And if your local coffee roaster features a Bourbon coffee, it makes the experience even better. On my last trip to Lexington, Kentucky, I stopped by Coffee Time Coffee House and picked up a pound of Kentucky Bourbon Coffee (they also make Bourbon Ball flavored beans). The smell of this coffee brewing is the best way for a Bourbon lover to shake off that morning grogginess. Add a pour of Bourbon Cream, and raise your mugs in salute to National Coffee Day.