Bourbon Home Delivery According to
Raise your hand if you’ve ever wished that someone would deliver bourbon to your house on demand. Don’t be shy. It’s perfectly normal to have these types of thoughts running through your head. In fact, it’s so normal that has built a business around delivering booze to American’ homes.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wished that someone would deliver bourbon to your house on demand. Don’t be shy. It’s perfectly normal to have these types of thoughts running through your head. In fact, it’s so normal that has built a business around delivering booze to American’ homes. While I’m unable to enjoy their services where I live at the moment, I thought it would be fun to see what type of data they have around how American’s are consuming bourbon via home delivery. Lucky for us the folks at were totally up for sharing their data to help us kick of National Bourbon Heritage Month.
The graphic above shows that of all liquor sales delivered by, bourbon represents 14%. Not to shabby but I’m holding out hope that number goes before the end of the year.
It also lists what the top 20 bourbon products are for 2015 year to date ordered via Did one of your favorites make the list?
They also informed me that during September 2014 the most popular bourbon was Maker’s Mark. We’ll be keeping tabs on orders for this September and will provide an update next month to see if Maker’s Mark was able to retain their title this year.
We hope you find this information interesting as we plan on bringing you updates from on a quarterly basis moving forward. And with a little luck we’ll work to match it up against overall industry sales and determine if data can help predict who the winners are losers will be throughout the year.
Drop us a note in the comments and share what bourbon would be your first choice if ordering it for home delivery.