Memorial Day Bourbon Wallpaper
A little change of pace today folks. Instead of featuring a vintage bourbon advertisement per our usual Friday routine we’re offering a special Memorial Day Bourbon Wallpaper for download. Memorial Day is a very special holiday for American’s and one that we should never take lightly.

A little change of pace today folks. Instead of featuring a vintage bourbon advertisement per our usual Friday routine we’re offering a special Memorial Day Bourbon Wallpaper for download.
Memorial Day is a very special holiday for American’s and one that we should never take lightly. It’s a weekend to honor those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our great nation. For without their sacrifice the America that we’d be living today would be a very different place. It’s a weekend to put aside your politics and celebrate being an American as a tribute to those who have given their all so we have the right to do so.
Each and every one of us have our own ways of celebrating Memorial Day. However, I hope that each and everyone one of Bourbon & Banter’s readers will raise a glass of bourbon this weekend in the memory of those who have died in the service of our country. It’s in this spirit that I offer a very special Memorial Day Bourbon Wallpaper download – Drink American. Drink Bourbon.
Click on the image below for a larger version and then save to your computer in a convenient location. Then follow your operating system’s instructions for how to use it as your desktop wallpaper. Then your done and on your way to impressing your friends with your new computer artwork.
If you like this month’s wallpaper you might want to check out our previous installments as well – 12 Months of Bourbon Wallpaper. Check back in June when we have another ready for download.

PS – Please spread the word about our Memorial Day Bourbon Wallpaper. The more people we get using them the easier it is to spread the Bourbon gospel.
PPS – If you would like to help spread the Bourbon Gospel even further please check out our complete collection of “Drink Bourbon. Drink American.” gear available for purchase.