National Bourbon Day Wallpaper
Happy National Bourbon Day! To help celebrate this longstanding American holiday…just kidding. It’s a made up holiday by this company. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of a day created to celebrate what we all believe to be the best spirit on earth.

Happy National Bourbon Day! To help celebrate this longstanding American holiday…just kidding. It’s a made up holiday by this company. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of a day created to celebrate what we all believe to be the best spirit on earth.
So in honor of National Bourbon Day, I’ve compiled a bunch of the vintage bourbon advertisements we’ve featured on the website into a single mosaic graphic that you can use in two different ways.
The first use is as a computer desktop wallpaper. Just like with our previous desktop wallpapers, all you have to do is click on the image below for a larger version and then save to your computer in a convenient location. Then follow your operating system’s instructions for how to use it as your desktop wallpaper. Then your done and on your way to impressing your friends with your new computer artwork.

If you like this special edition computer desktop wallpaper you might want to check out our previous installments as well – 12 Months of Bourbon Wallpaper. Check back in July when we have another ready for download.
The second way to use our bourbon advertisement mosaic is as your cover image on Facebook. Click on the specialized designed and sized image below and save to your computer in another convenient location. Then head over to Facebook and update your cover image using this one. It’s a great way to let everyone know that today is National Bourbon Day and spread the bourbon gospel. And don’t forget to use the hashtag #nationalbourbonday when you Tweet and post to Facebook today.

PS – Please spread the word about our National Bourbon Day Bourbon Computer Wallpaper. The more people we get using them the easier it is to spread the Bourbon gospel.